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Talent Database
Martina Folkova avatar
Written by Martina Folkova
Updated over 7 months ago

The Talent Database is created for each offer separately. It is generated based on the matching of required skills listed in the offer with the skills listed in the profiles of StartupJobs users.

To display relevant users, don't forget to fill in the required skills (up to 5) for each offer. In the database, you will find candidates looking for jobs who meet at least one of the required skills. You can contact these users through the administration.

The database is accessible for offers with active HotJobs promotion.

What does the talent database bring?

  • Quick candidate assessment: From the candidate's profile, you can easily determine if they meet your requirements.

  • Key skills: Fulfilled skills are marked in green and unfulfilled skills in red in the listing.

  • Additional information: We also display the desired location, contract type, form of cooperation, and the date of the last profile update.

How to access it?

The talent database is displayed directly in the company profile administration under the "Talents" - "Talent Database" tab.

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